Are you tired of your outdated bathroom but overwhelmed by the thought of a full renovation? Well, I have some good news for you. Renovating a bathroom doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing project, and it can be done gradually over time.

If the idea of tackling a complete bathroom renovation seems daunting or too costly, you can start by making small changes that will still have a big impact. By taking it one step at a time, you can transform your bathroom into a beautiful and functional space without breaking the bank.

In this article, I will explore the concept of renovating a bathroom slowly over time, discuss the benefits of this approach, and provide you with practical tips on how to do it successfully. So, if you’re ready to give your bathroom a fresh new look, keep reading to find out how you can do it at your own pace.

How Long a Bathroom Remodel Takes

A bathroom remodel typically takes about 4 1/2 weeks to complete, assuming the work progresses smoothly with no breaks and no work done on weekends. However, in the real world, it is common for unexpected delays and downtime to arise during the renovation process. This means that the actual timeline for a bathroom remodel could be around double the ideal timeframe, taking about 9 weeks, or even longer.

The length of time required for a bathroom remodel depends on various factors such as the size of the bathroom, the extent of the renovation, and any unforeseen issues that may arise. It is also worth noting that certain projects, such as changing the layout or adding new fixtures, may require additional time and expertise.

In some cases, a bathroom can be renovated slowly over time, allowing homeowners to complete the project in stages. This approach can be beneficial for those who have budget constraints or prefer to tackle smaller tasks over a longer period. By breaking the renovation into smaller projects, such as updating the bathroom walls, installing a new shower curtain, or replacing the flooring, homeowners can gradually transform their bathroom without disrupting their daily routine.

The Overall Duration Of A Bathroom Renovation

The overall duration of a bathroom renovation can vary depending on several factors. On average, a bathroom renovation project can take around six weeks to complete. However, this timeframe is just an estimate and can be faster or slower based on various considerations.

When hiring builders for your bathroom renovation, there are two types to consider. The first type focuses on one project at a time, completing it before moving on to the next. With this approach, the builders can solely concentrate on your bathroom renovation, which can result in a shorter overall duration. This is particularly true if the project involves a straightforward swap of fixtures and fittings.

The second type of builder often handles multiple projects concurrently and assigns their builders across different sites throughout the week. Consequently, there may be days when no one is working on your bathroom. Additionally, you may encounter different builders working on different days.

Break Down of Time Per Task: A Guide to Bathroom Renovation

When it comes to bathroom renovation, one of the primary concerns is the time it will take to complete the project. Whether you’re opting for a full or partial renovation, understanding the breakdown of time per task can help you plan and prioritize your projects effectively. Here is a concise guide that outlines the estimated time required for each task in a bathroom remodel.

1. Demolition (1 to 2 days):

Renovation TaskEstimated TimeWhat To Note


2-5 days
When planning for a bathroom renovation, your space and the material used building it is the first step in a renovation. This will give an idea of the timing and the extent of demolition. Sheeted walls and timber studs are pretty quick to work on. During this phase, the installation of structural beams and new windows takes place.

Plumbing Rough-ins

1-4 days
Electricians and plumbers can do their rough-in on the floor and the walls with the bathroom’s bare structure.

Rough Carpentry

2-3 days
This phase is optional. If your existing bathroom structure is in good condition, you won’t need rough carpentry.

Tiling preparations

1-3 days
Your choice of tiles should depend on the size and straightness of the wall. Larger tiles are great for larger spaces and straighter walls. During this phase, doors, windows, and wall niches are installed. They installed cement slab should be ready before getting to the waterproofing stage.


1-2 days
After tiling preparations, the space is now ready for wall and ceiling sheeting.


2-4 days

The next step after sheets installation is waterproofing the room. A waterproofer comes and does the job as required. Waterproofing ensures your bathroom stays watertight for many long into the future.


5-7 days
From setting out, cutting, and installing on the floor and walls. With that done, you can get the shower screen measured and fabricated.

Tile finishing

1-3 days

With your bathroom floor and wall tiles installed, the next thing is getting the critical joints grouted and silicone.

Trim Addition and painting

1-2 days
After tile finishing, it’s time to add trims around the doors and windows as the painter follows the paint.
Plumbing fit off1-2 daysAfter the rough plumbing ins are done, the next thing is installing other plumbing elements and connecting them all up.

Electrical Fit off

1-2 days
Just like the plumbing, electrical rough-in is already in place. So, the electrician is back to installing switches, light fittings, fans, and a heated towel ladder.


1-2 days
During this phase, your bathroom accessories are installed. Some of the accessories include a hand towel rail, toilet paper holder, and robe hook. Once your bathroom looks sparky, it’s now ready for your household use.

2. Plumbing and Electricity (2-3 weeks):

3. Wall and Floor (2 weeks):

4. Paint and Trim (1 week):

5. Fixture Installations (1 to 2 days):

6. Accessories (1 day):

By understanding the approximate time required for each task in a bathroom renovation, you can better plan and manage your project. Keep in mind that these estimates can vary depending on the size of your bathroom and any unexpected challenges that may arise. It’s always a good idea to consult with professionals and create a detailed timeline to ensure a smooth and efficient renovation process.

Common Delays to Expect During Bathroom Renovation

Renovating a bathroom can be an exciting project, but it’s important to be prepared for unexpected delays that can arise throughout the process. While the estimated timeline we provided earlier is a general guideline, there are several common issues that can slow down your bathroom renovation. Here are some delays to be aware of:

  1. Permit Delays: Obtaining the necessary permits and inspections for your bathroom renovation can cause significant delays. If the permit office is overwhelmed with requests, it may take longer to get approval, pushing back the start of your project.
  2. Back Orders and Supply Chain Issues: Supply chain issues can disrupt your renovation timeline, especially if there are back orders or delays in getting the necessary materials. Waiting for items like tiles or light fixtures can extend the duration of your project.
  3. Mold or Mildew Issues: Uncovering hidden mold or mildew during the renovation process can create a detour in your bathroom remodel. Mold remediation is a crucial step to address the problem before moving forward, but it can add extra time to your project.
  4. Plumbing Problems: During the demolition phase, outdated plumbing may be discovered, requiring the replacement of rotted pipes or lines. Fixing these issues is essential to pass plumbing inspections, but the additional work can prolong the renovation timeline.
  5. Subcontractor Schedules: Hiring a contractor for your bathroom renovation means relying on their subcontractors to complete various tasks. If subcontractors have busy schedules or other projects, it can slow down the progress of your renovation. It’s important to choose a reliable and experienced team to minimize these scheduling delays.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that unexpected delays are a normal part of any renovation project. While it’s impossible to predict every delay, being aware of these common issues can help you plan and manage your bathroom renovation more effectively.

Factors Affecting Bathroom Remodel Time

The time it takes to complete a bathroom remodel can vary greatly depending on several factors. The nature of the remodel, whether it’s a cosmetic update or a complete rebuild, will significantly impact the timeline. DIY projects done in your spare time can take much longer, potentially stretching out over a year or more. Hiring a contractor can be more efficient, but if they subcontract the work, scheduling delays may occur.

The availability of materials is another important factor. Special-order items or imported goods may require waiting for delivery, which can extend the project timeline by several weeks. Additionally, unforeseen issues such as hidden mold or plumbing problems can arise during the renovation, requiring additional time to address.

It’s crucial to work with a competent general contractor and reliable subcontractors to minimize delays. By properly planning and considering these factors, it’s possible to come up with a rough estimate for the completion time of a small bathroom remodel.

Prepare for the Unexpected

When embarking on a bathroom renovation project, it is important to prepare for the unexpected. Even with a well-planned timeline and a competent team of contractors, there are various factors that can cause delays and disruptions.

One of the key considerations is the availability of materials. Special-order items or imported goods may take longer to deliver, resulting in a delay in the project. Additionally, unforeseen issues such as hidden mold or plumbing problems can emerge during the renovation process, requiring extra time to address them properly.

It is also essential to consider potential slowdowns on the client side. Timely payments and avoiding unnecessary change orders can help maintain the project’s momentum and prevent unnecessary delays.

While an idealized timetable may assume a seamless transition between different stages of the renovation, it is important to acknowledge that reality might differ. Unforeseen circumstances, sick workers, and other factors can cause disruptions, potentially doubling the expected schedule.

Ways to Expedite a Bathroom Remodel

Hiring experienced professionals is the best way to expedite a bathroom renovation. Working with an established contractor or remodeler who has access to reliable subcontractors and suppliers can help minimize delays and ensure that the project runs smoothly.

By taking these measures, you can help expedite your bathroom remodel and ensure a smoother and more efficient renovation experience. Remember, effective communication, timely payments, and careful planning can make a significant difference in keeping the project on schedule.


Can A Bathroom Be Renovated Slowly Over Time

Yes, a bathroom can be renovated slowly over time. Many homeowners choose to tackle their bathroom renovations in small, manageable stages to fit their schedules and budgets.

How Long Does A Bathroom Renovation Typically Take?

The duration of a bathroom renovation depends on the scope of the project. A simple makeover may take a few weeks, while a more extensive remodel can span several months.

What Are Some Common Delays To Expect During A Bathroom Renovation?

Delays in bathroom renovation can occur due to unforeseen structural issues, permit approvals, and product backorders. It’s important to account for potential delays when planning your project.

What Factors Can Affect The Time Frame Of A Bathroom Renovation?

The size of the bathroom, the complexity of the design, the availability of contractors, and your chosen materials can all impact the time frame of a renovation project.

Are There Ways To Expedite The Bathroom Renovation Process?

Yes, there are several ways to expedite a bathroom renovation. Clear communication with contractors, efficient planning, and having all necessary materials ready can help speed up the process.

What Is The Average Cost Of A Bathroom Renovation?

The cost of a bathroom renovation can vary greatly depending on factors such as the size of the bathroom, choice of materials, and desired upgrades. On average, a bathroom remodel can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 or more.


The answer is yes, a bathroom can be renovated slowly over time. Don’t let the overwhelming task of a full bathroom renovation deter you from making small changes that can still have a big impact.

Take it one step at a time, focus on the areas that bother you the most, and gradually transform your bathroom into the oasis you’ve always dreamed of. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither does your bathroom renovation have to be. Happy renovating!